----------------------ABU DHABI----------------------

Wednesday, January 23

3 Dishes included in my Diet

Chicken on a Bed of Veggies
Herbed Sauteed Chicken
Fattoush Salad
Images taken by phone, sorry if its not clear!


Dori said...

Everything looks delicious, especially the Fattoush salad. Also, I have been losing inches but this week I actually put on 2 pounds...sometimes the weight on the scale is so inaccurate because of muscle gain and such...so keep up the good work and don't rely too much on the scale :)

Sultana said...

Congratulaions on the loss of inches! i know how hard it can be to get rid of extra fat!

Thank you for your encouragement :) I agree with you about losing inches and not losing weight...this week i measured my waist for the first time since i started the gym and i have gone from 107cms on my lower stomach"pooch" to 103cm, and thats with no extra weight lost! so im happy with that...Im calculated that im burning around 400 calories a day in the gym so i hope i can keep it up.Good luck to you as well and please keep me updated on your progress too!

Cynthia said...

I don't think diet-food ever looked this attractive :) but it should!

Sultana said...

hee hee :) Thanks so much Cynthia!